Date: December 3, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii. Virtual Meeting (via Zoom)
Dan Sinclair (President)
Harry Hotdog (Vice President)
Spiny Norman (Secretary)
Brienne (Treasurer)
Bindi (Member)
Quentin (Associate Member)
Whitley G. Sharké (Associate Member)
Rooney (Associate Member)
Penny Puffin (Associate Member)
Irene Ibis (Associate Member)
Hyacinth Hippo (Provisional Member)
Absent (Postal votes):
LAM (Member)
Key Outcomes and Highlights
1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks
- Dan Sinclair welcomed members and reflected on a year of growth and challenges for SMA. He emphasized the alliance’s increasing influence in advocating for fair streaming practices.
2. Approval of 2023 AGM Minutes
- The minutes from the 2023 AGM were reviewed and approved without amendments.
3. President’s Report
- Dan highlighted major achievements, including successful partnerships with streaming platforms, growth in membership, and the postponement of the SMA Coin due to the ongoing crypto winter.
4. Treasurer’s Report
- Brienne reported a solid financial standing with a year-end surplus. Strategic spending on outreach and educational programs was credited for strengthening the alliance’s impact.
5. Membership Updates
- Spiny Norman reported a steady rise in membership engagement. Notably, Rooney became an Associate Member after passing his SMA Finals.
6. Graduations and New Members
- Penny Puffin and Irene Ibis were officially recognized as Associate Members, celebrating their commitment to SMA values and outstanding contributions as Provisional Members.
- Hyacinth Hippo was introduced as the newest Provisional Member. With her background in creative digital content and her enthusiasm for community building, Hyacinth is expected to make a big splash in SMA initiatives.
7. Key Votes
- Members unanimously approved an initiative to host a global streaming ethics webinar in 2025.
- A motion to revisit the SMA Coin project in 2026 was deferred for further discussion due to market volatility.
8. Election of Officers
- The following officers were re-elected for the 2025 term:
- President: Dan Sinclair (re-elected)
- Vice President: Harry Hotdog (re-elected)
- Treasurer: Brienne (re-elected)
- Secretary: Spiny Norman (re-elected)
9. New Business
- Irene proposed a mascot mentorship program, connecting experienced members with new and provisional members to foster collaboration and growth. The proposal received strong support and will be implemented in 2025.
10. Closing Remarks
- Dan Sinclair thanked members for their ongoing dedication and commitment. He expressed optimism for the alliance’s future and encouraged everyone to focus on community-building initiatives in the coming year.
The 2024 SMA AGM celebrated milestones of progress, including Penny Puffin and Irene Ibis’ graduations to Associate Members and the addition of Hyacinth Hippo as a Provisional Member. The meeting set the stage for new initiatives and a continued focus on education, advocacy, and collaboration in 2025.