June 21, 2019
Spiny Norman VFTLS

Spiny Norman On The VFTLS

On the vMix Fun Time Live Show for June 2019, many vMix setups were featured in the Picture Postcards segments. Spiny Norman sent in the X-keys setup and was featured in June 2019! Just another great way that the Alliance is able to synergise! Great Job Spiny! You really are a rising star!
April 22, 2019
vMix NAB Pens

SMA Milestones : First SMA member on a pen!

For the first time ever, a Streaming Mascots Alliance member will be featured on a pen. Usually confined to a mousepad, SMA members are starting to branch out further into varying forms of merchandising. What will we see next? Who knows!! But what we do know is that the future is bright and there are many places that could do with one of the smiling faces of the SMA!!
April 2, 2019
vMIx Mousepads

Mousepads all over the world!

“Where am I going to put my mouse?!” This common phrase can be heard echoing around offices all around the world…every single day! This age-old question really only has 1 logical answer….on a mousepad! With so many people out there needing a place to rest their mouse, the humble mousepad has become a part of the fabric of computer use and video production. This need enables the SMA to plant a foot hold in businesses and households everywhere! We all […]
February 5, 2019
Brienne Dinosaur vMix

SMA Featured Member: Brienne B

In these blog posts we like to ask the Streaming Mascots Alliance members 7 questions to find out a little more about them! What’s your favourite movie? Wow, a tough one out of the gate. Can I give a top 3? Let’s go with 10 Things I Hate About You, The Prestige and of course Jurassic Park Where’s your favourite place in the world to be? Duranbah Beach Is your biggest weakness that you work too much? No, my biggest […]
October 17, 2018


This year at IBC you could literally see the Streaming Mascot Alliance members all over the trade show floor! Dan from vMix appeared on 1,000s of mousepads and ventured all around the show, meeting up with friends from Bird-Dog and X-keys (pictured).
July 4, 2018

Live…Laugh…Live Stream: The Journey So Far.

You might think this is the dawning of a new era, and you’d probably be right but this is something that’s been in our hearts for many years. You’ve seen us around at tradeshows, live events, live streams and on all of your favourite pens, mousepads and coins. We’ve decided to put a name to the those friendly faces and form the Streaming Mascots Alliance. The Alliance will allow fellow mascots to network, cooperate and enjoy a shared experience together. […]