Official AGM Meeting Minutes – Monday, November 4th, 2019
5:06:08 am – Meeting called to order by President Dan Sinclair (PDS)
Vice President Bindi (VPB) nominates Whitley G. Shark for associate membership. 2nd by Quenton (QN). Vote called for by Harry Hotdog (HH). Nomination passes 5-1 (1 abstention)
5:09:17– VPB nominates Rooney for provisional membership. 2nd by QN. Vote called for by Harry Hotdog (HH). Nomination passes 5-1 (1 abstention)
5:11:32 – Secretary Spiny Norman (SSN) moves the members take a lamington break, 2nd by Brienne (BB), Oral vote passes unanimously.
6:24:18- Meeting resumes. SSN moves the official font of SMA be Gotham Book. 2nd by QN. Vote called for by HH. Motion carries 4-2 (1 abstention).
6:24:29 – LAM (LAM) moves for the formation of a committee to draft nominations for an SMA motto. Total chaos ensues. PDS gavels meeting back to order.
QN moves for the formation of two committees who will each submit no more than three possible mottos to be voted upon at the next meeting. 2nd HH. Oral vote passed (1 abstention).
VPB nominates himself, HH, and SSN to serve on committee “A”. 2nd SSN.
LAM objects to the naming of the committee as “A”, if the next committee is named “B”, it will put their nominations for motto at a distinct disadvantage since everyone will refer to them as “option B”. Total chaos ensues. PDS attempts to gavel meeting back to order go unheeded for 12 minutes.
6:50:07– LAM leaves conference room.
6:50:11 – QN asks who will assume LAM’s custodial duties in his absence. VPB moves LAM’s custodial duties be reassigned to BB as she consumed the majority of lamingtons – the primary source of crumbs on the table. HH 2nd. Motion carried by secret ballot 4-1 (1 abstention).
6:58:54 – HH moves a committee be formed to determine appropriate naming of the two committees to nominate mottos. BB 2nd. Motion fails 2-3 by show of appendages (1 abstention).
7:02:00 – QN asks for the floor to announce the group is two minutes late in starting the dance party.
7:02:32 – PDS gavels meeting to close. Dance party to follow.